Here's the second chapter of my book.
It was four years after the orphanage burned down. Everyone had pretty much forgotten about Adonis disappearing, and a grave stone in the cemetery proclaimed,
Here lies the coffin made in honor of
Adonis Abel Akbar,
who died in a fire in 2006
Rest In Peace
Twelve miles away, the dark forest surrounded a school that was not on the map. It was, in fact, the school that the Blue Knight had built for his descendants with three or less powers. Today was the fourth anniversary of the fire at the orphanage. Inside, things were going along like normal. Mean kids bullying the young kids, at one person in class turning into a frog, Astronomy going on during the day... The seven-year-olds were having Astronomy, and a kid with blue eyes and brown hair slicked forward was getting bored. This kid was Felix Alexander Tidro. His power was water. Anyway, he looked at his watch. It was 10:37 am, one minute before the fire had started. He looked through his telescope, when the minute ticked onto 10:38.
"OH SNAP!" Felix leapt backwards. "Some kid just materialized out of the forest!"
Indeed, a boy had appeared on the exact date of the fire, the exact time even! He had bright red short hair that stuck in many directions and eyes that flashed many different shades of green. As Felix and the others watched, the boy walked up to the main door of the school and knocked on it. Quickly, a kid named Quigley Ty used his power to produce a length of rope, which they then used to lower down Leo Lowdmowth who's power was to magnify whatever he heard. Mean while the door opened.
"WHO ARE YOU?" said Leo in the crispy strict voice of the Alchemy teacher Mrs. Ledd.
The young boy responded, and Leo magnified. "IF YOU HAVE THE CASUALTY LIST OF BLUE FAMILY MEMBERS, YOU WILL FIND ME FOUR YEARS AGO, ON THIS EXACT DATE AND TIME, IN THE NEARBY PLACE WHERE AN OLD STONE ORPHANAGE BURNED DOWN." The boy had a strong clear voice with a hint of a Southern accent.
Mrs. Ledd looked in a scroll she was holding and then gasped. Leo quickly magnified. "YOU MEAN, YOU'RE........ ADONIS ABEL AKBAR?!"
"IT'S NOT UH-DAWN-ISS, IT'S UH-DOUGH-NISS. BUT YES." Leo stifled a scream as the rope holders quickly recovered
from dropping him. They hauled him back up. All of them except one. Felix Alexander Tidro. The one who's uncle had started the fire trying to end Adonis' life.***
Adonis was sent to the town nearby to figure things out. He told the Alchemy teacher over and over, "I can't tell anyone. It's a dangerous secret. I'm not even sure what happened." On one such occasion, Adonis said instead, "I'm sorry I can't tell you. You've cared for me so much these past days, I so want to tell you. But you'd never believe me."
Mrs. Ledd sighed. "Then Adonis, can you tell me what your power is?"
"Oh yes. That's not a secret. But..."
"But what, Adonis?"
"Will you believe me?"
"Oh Adonis. I would believe you if you said you had all the powers in the world."
"Oh. Then this won't shock you. I have all the powers in the world."
"Well, not technically. But I do have most of them. Only perfection and darkness, and who needs them?"
"Oliver Prectefe, I suppose, but then that's because perfection is his power. But then again, he's not exactly normal. He is impossible, being perfectly right and perfectly wrong at the same time. However, I believe you wholeheartedly. But we must change
the subject. Do you know of any friends you can stay with until next marking period? That is when you will begin. I must go back to school and teach Alchemy. Even though Miss Shift is fine at transforming her lead into gold, she can't transform her teaching ability into my power, which is turning lead into gold. She still teaches Time at the same time. I'm so happy Mr. Clok got fired, but too bad he made it happen in a second instead of a year. He was so good at tick-tocking people off!" Adonis laughed. "Well, I suppose my friend Samuel could take me in. His adopted parents were about to adopt me when the fire happened, so I guess they'll be fine."
*** A week later, Adonis was dropped off at the Streek house. Samuel raced out and hugged his old friend. "Oh Adonis! I never forgot you!"
"I didn't forget you either. C'mon Samuel, let's see your parents then go to wherever I'm staying. I've got a lot to tell you." The Streeks were a couple who had adopted Samuel and were about to adopt Adonis. Mrs. Ledd had called them, said she was the police, and told them a story about Adonis. They thought that Adonis had been kidnapped by the people who started the fire because he saw them. For four years, the kidnappers had kept him, making him terrified. He had escaped with a photo of the kidnappers and the police had captured them and sent them to Fort Knox, which they pretended was an incredibly guarded jail.
"Darn." said Mr. Streek. "I wanted to give him a piece of my mind."
So there you have it. Chapters 1 and 2. Soon coming... Chapter 3!