Friday, March 4, 2011

The Adevntures of the Time-Traveling Trio!

Surprise!!! Jane + Michael + Eve = THE TIME TRAVELING TRIO! Pretty nice, huh? Jane got a new camera and we are making a new show called The Adventures of the Time Traveling Trio! You're gonna love it. It is about how this girl (Jane Austin) discovers an amazing awesome amazingly awesome discovery. Time travel! In Episodes 1 and 2 it is called The Adventures of Jane Austin, The Time-Traveler. Also, the other character in the first episode is the cameraman (Michael Austin). He isn't very important yet, but maybe he'll be more important later on. There is a glitch with the Time Machine in Episode 2, when it takes the two and Jane's best friend (Eve Austin) to the wrong time. Instead of taking taking them to ?????????, it takes them to??????????

               Soon when we learn how to plug in Jane's camera we'll post movies !
                                       until then stay  tuned !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is will be EPIC! Awesomely Amazingly Awesome! Hurry and learn how to plug in the camera1
